Uplift Foods Gut Happy Cookies® offer a delightful blend of taste and nourishment, providing a convenient means to bolster gut health and overall well-being. Crafted from 100% plant-based ingredients, these cookies harness the power of fruits and vegetables, with sweet white lupin taking the lead alongside the inclusion of Livaux, offering a potent source of prebiotic fiber. Free from artificial additives, sweeteners, and preservatives, each cookie is meticulously crafted with organic and non-GMO ingredients, ensuring that every indulgence is a wholesome one.
Scientifically validated through human clinical research, Uplift Food’s Gut Happy Cookies® are tailored to fortify gut health and bolster immunity. Infused with a blend of prebiotic-rich plant-based components and potent probiotics, these cookies foster the growth of beneficial gut bacteria while providing a substantial dose of dietary fiber and resistant starch. With low sugar and net carbs, they cater to various dietary preferences, including those adhering to keto lifestyles, while offering a satisfying treat that promotes optimal digestion and sustained energy levels.