Advanced 30 ProBioCulture – 30 different strains – 45 Billion or 22.5 Billion CFU with added 500mg of Livaux PreBio per capsule for exceptional Gut Flora – DRCaps encapsulation for max delivery to the gut – Made in the UK

Each single capsule contains 30 live bacteria strains at a strength of 45 Billion CFU , each strain backed by science. Delayed release for better absorption. Our DR Caps capsules are resistant to stomach acid allowing them to deliver to the intestine where the live bacteria can be effective.

Also every capsule has 500mg of slow fermenting PreBio, Livaux, from Gold Kiwifruit in New Zealand. Two clinical studies show that F. prau levels significantly increase after Livaux® consumption. F.prau is very important for gut flora balance and a major butyrate producer. Typically F.prau can’t easily be added in a supplement. The only effective strategy for increasing F. prau levels is to help the existing F. prau population to thrive – this is why we select Livaux as our prebio.

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