PROFIBERRY offers more than just a typical fiber detox; it combines probiotics from the United States with prebiotics from Japan and Korea, including organic acai extract from the Amazon forest. This comprehensive blend aims to cleanse the intestines and purify the bloodstream with its array of 21 natural extracts. With probiotic strain Bacillus Coagurans (ProDURA), PROFIBERRY delivers 34,000 million microorganisms per packet, providing potent support for gut health. The inclusion of GOS prebiotic from Korea and Fiber Partially Hydrolyzed Guar Gum (Sunfiber) from Japan ensures a diverse and effective approach to digestive wellness.
One of PROFIBERRY’s standout ingredients is Gold Kiwi Powder (Livaux), sourced from New Zealand. This golden kiwi extract revitalizes the digestive system and promotes intestinal balance. Additionally, ingredients like Pomegranate Extract (Pomanox) from Spain and organic Acai Extract from Brazil contribute valuable antioxidants, aiding in skin brightening and delaying the aging process. With premium-quality ingredients sourced from leading countries around the world, PROFIBERRY sets itself apart as a trustworthy and effective supplement, offering a holistic approach to gut health and overall well-being that distinguishes it from standalone probiotics or fiber detox products.
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