Prebiotics, like FOS, GOS, and Inulin, are gaining recognition for their role in gut health, distinct from the more widely known probiotics. While these supplements can be beneficial, their rapid fermentation can lead to unwanted side effects such as gas and bloating. Moreover, the simplistic nature of these prebiotics may promote the overgrowth of select bacterial species, reducing overall gut microbiome diversity.
Enter PREbiotic GOLD, a cutting-edge supplement featuring the unique inclusion of Livaux, derived from non-GMO New Zealand Gold Kiwifruit. Unlike conventional prebiotics, PREbiotic GOLD’s complex pectin structure ensures a slower rate of fermentation, fostering a broader spectrum of bacterial species throughout the colon. This diverse microbial community, nourished by PREbiotic GOLD, not only enhances nutrient absorption but also facilitates the deposition of beneficial short-chain fatty acids like butyrate along the entire length of the colon, promoting intestinal health and mitigating inflammatory responses. Furthermore, PREbiotic GOLD’s precision targeting of Faecalibacterium prausnitzii, a key bacterial species crucial for butyrate production, underscores its efficacy in supporting overall gut health.