Roof Garden Le Xianying PLUS

Specifications: 500 mg/capsule, 60 capsules/box

LeptiCore® is a U.S. patented functional formula composed of plant polysaccharides, pomegranate extract, blue-green algae and beta-carotene to regulate physiological functions.

Livaux® uses New Zealand’s No. 1 brand’s exclusive golden round-head variety of golden kiwi fruit. The patented process of pure fruit freeze-drying is 8 times concentrated, which can change the bacterial ecology and help maintain health.

Paradise pepper seed extract, ginger extract, and African mango seed extract promote metabolism.

Japanese Manda enzyme uses 45 kinds of fruits, vegetables, cereals, seaweed and other plants, and uses brown sugar abundant in Okinawa as the fermentation base. After 3 years and 3 months, it is fermented and matured with the seeds to help maintain the function of the digestive tract.

Five major decomposing enzymes – amylolytic enzyme + proteolytic enzyme + lipolytic enzyme + lactose decomposing enzyme + fiber decomposing enzyme to help digestion.

Instructions for use: Take 2 capsules 30 minutes before meals, up to 4 capsules daily.

Origin: Taiwan

Shelf life: 36 months