Holland & Barrett introduces H&B Tribiotic Metabolism, a cutting-edge supplement designed to address the intricate relationship between gut health and metabolism. Formulated with a pre-, pro-, and post-complex, it incorporates a clinically studied blend of six tailored bacterial strains alongside carefully selected ingredients such as green tea extract and vitamin B6. Notably, the inclusion of Kiwi Fibre derived from Livaux serves as a vital prebiotic component, nurturing friendly bacteria essential for metabolic balance. Additionally, the incorporation of calcium lactate supports postbiotic benefits, providing essential nutrients produced by beneficial bacteria to aid in the normal function of digestive enzymes.
Understanding the significance of metabolism beyond weight management, Holland & Barrett’s Tribiotic Metabolism sheds light on the chemical reactions vital for overall well-being. By nourishing the microbiome with a diverse array of friendly bacteria strains, including Lab4p and Bifidobacterium CECT 8145, this supplement supports the breakdown of complex nutrients crucial for energy production and metabolic function. With the synergistic combination of metabolism-boosting green tea extract and vitamin B6, Tribiotic Metabolism not only fosters a balanced gut microbiome but also aids in kick-starting the metabolism, promoting vitality and overall health.