Livaux® – clinically proven
precision prebiotic to
increase Faecalibacterium
prausnitzii (F. prau)

first ever triple crown winner
prebiotic of the year usa, europe, asia

Made from non-GMO New Zealand gold kiwifruit, Livaux® is a scientifically proven supplement and functional food ingredient that offers a new strategy for improving gut microbiome composition.

livaux precision

Livaux® gold kiwifruit powder precision prebiotic
2-fold increase in F. prau in constipated people
Slow fermentation of kiwifruit dietary fibre (pectin) to reduce bloating and gas
Gold kiwifruit polyphenols and vitamins work alongside F. prau and its byproducts (e.g. butyrate) to support a healthy immune system
Low dose (600 mg) prebiotic

“While taking Livaux®, I tried eating spicy food a little bit more at a time. I felt that I rarely had diarrhea, not a loose stool.”

– Ying, Bangkok, Thailand

Gut microbiome balance and our good gut friend, F. prau

The huge community of micro-organisms that live in your intestinal tract needs the right population balance to work as it should.

Livaux® – a precision prebiotic for F. prau

New research shows that Livaux, made from gold kiwifruit, can improve gut microbiota composition by increasing numbers of F.prau, a beneficial gut bacteria.

Nutrient-rich gold kiwifruit Livaux is produced in New Zealand using 100% New Zealand gold kiwifruit

Livaux is produced in New Zealand by Anagenix, a pionerring nutraceuatical company that specialises in supplement and functional food ingredients based on New Zealand-grown bioactives.

The importance of gut microbiome balance 

It’s now common knowledge that the health status of our digestive systems can affect our overall well-being in many ways. More specifically, people might be concerned about looking after their ‘gut microbiome’, the name given to the immense community of micro-organisms living within the intestinal tract. 

The ultimate goal of gut microbiome management is to ensure there is a good number and a good range of beneficial bacteria in our guts, so that we feel well every day and are doing everything we can to support our immune systems. Balancing the gut microbiome is known to be important for a whole range of health problems, including irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), colorectal cancer, diabetes, thyroid disorders, asthma, allergies and more. 

Faecalibacterium Prausnitzii

find better balance with livaux

Livaux® is an innovative natural supplement made from non-GMO New Zealand gold kiwifruit. Research shows that just 600 mg of Livaux daily helps specific beneficial bacteria – Faecalibacterium prausnitzii (F. prau) – to flourish and recover. This is a desirable situation because F. prau, as a major butyrate producer, can increase the amount of butyrate in the body. 

Butyrate is an important short-chain fatty acid that has a range of health benefits and functions in the body including being used as an energy source for cells lining the large intestine, supporting the immune system and regulating various metabolic functions. Low levels of F. prau are associated with an increasing number of health conditions including IBS, IBD, asthma, obesity, depression and respiratory tract infections.  

who makes livaux, the gut microbiome solution

Livaux® is a patented product that is available to nutraceutical companies and ingredient suppliers as a bioactive ingredient. It can be combined with other ingredients to create a total bowel health supplement, or used on its own as a specific gut microbiome balance treatment. It is also available as Livaux Organic, a BioGro certified organic variant. 

Livaux is produced in New Zealand by Anagenix, a pioneering nutraceutical company that specialises in supplement and functional food ingredients based on New Zealand-grown bioactives.

Livaux® gold kiwifruit precision prebiotic chewable